Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Giggle Me Duffy!

Ahhh....memory lane! Sweet! I have laughed a lot today! Re-telling the stories that you have all reminded me of...I miss you!

Keep the comments coming---YOU, my lovelies are my muses! And those of you who emailed me, can you please post some of your inspiration here?

Here is what I have learned so far:

-Don't be embarrassed to tell the truth---(even if it includes stripping down naked --- literally and metaphorically! My BMX rocked and I looked way cooler riding it with my shirt off and tucked into my back pocket! Sorry Mom.)

-Be animated! - (does anyone remember my running stag jumps in the studio? "I'm a maniac, maniac on the floor..." - speaking of FLASHDANCE...)

-Unleash my dorkiness - (like that needs any work! I don't know if you know this....but I'm kind of a big deal!)

-That I would definitely be cute if I were truly pregnant! (hence, "Yoga For Moms---sometimes I pretend that I am pregnant and attend Yoga for Moms----it makes me feel pleasantly plump in a GOOD way!)

-That I need to wet my pants more often? (No, I'm sure there was a deeper message in there farts aren't THAT funny, or DON'T touch connected batteries because a STUDENT pressures you to, or maybe just simply---cross your legs weirdo!)

-And just like Brick Loves the Lamp ---- I Love the LAUGH!

Peace, Love and The Farting Preacher! (Click the link!)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Get the Ball Rolling!

The biggest challenge is the material. What do I want to say? How will I format it so that you will identify? Where should I focus my energy? Who is my audience?

Would you be so kind as to post a comment and remind me of the funniest story that I have ever told you?

Peace, Love and Freak me Freakpot, I'm on FIRE!

One Year

On February 1st, 2007, my brother Scott, my friend Jenn, and I are beginning a bold mission. Stand-up Comedy. With a shared love of film-making, story-telling, performance and laughter, the 3 of us gave birth to this delicious and indulgent concept.

Who? Me
What? Stand-up Comedy Trials and Tribulations
When? One year from February 1st, 2007
Why? To meet Conan O'Brien
Where? Various Comedy Clubs

A documentary film that follows the process of creating and executing Stand-up Comedy with the goal of becoming one of Conan O'Brien's guests in one year.

This blog will be used for me to vent, express and exhale...and keep you up to speed! I would like to state for the record that I am freaking wetting my pants! While I have a fair bit of experience with stage performance, I have NONE within the genre of stand-up comedy. People often tell me that I am funny or that I should try stand-up. And really, don't we all think that we, ourselves, are funny? One of the hardest parts to get over for me personally is my embarrassment. What narcissism to think that roomfuls of people would want to watch me tell my 'funnies' and 'privates'...

Peace, Love and What can I possibly tell you that you haven't already heard?