Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Laughing Matters

Someone falls series-style. Someone falls and then gets mad at you for watching. Someone mis-pronounces a word. Someone mis-pronounces a word and then makes that crazy noise with their mouth like "BLHD"---as if to say: "my tongue got tangled there for a minute and I was hoping to cover it up with a cave-person word". Someone mis-pronounces a word while reprimanding... (seriously dude---you've lost all power.) Someone has Big Mac breath at Yoga class. Someone gets caught boldly singing the wrong words to a song. Someone accidentally talks aloud while day-dreaming. Someone sneezes and doesn't realize that everyone can see the snot in your hand. Someone farts. Someone tries to cover up a fart with a cough. Someone says: "it's NOT FUNNY!"...and you know they MEAN it...

Peace, Love and Belly Laughs!