Ahhh....memory lane! Sweet! I have laughed a lot today! Re-telling the stories that you have all reminded me of...I miss you!
Keep the comments coming---YOU, my lovelies are my muses! And those of you who emailed me, can you please post some of your inspiration here?
Here is what I have learned so far:
-Don't be embarrassed to tell the truth---(even if it includes stripping down naked --- literally and metaphorically! My BMX rocked and I looked way cooler riding it with my shirt off and tucked into my back pocket! Sorry Mom.)
-Be animated! - (does anyone remember my running stag jumps in the studio? "I'm a maniac, maniac on the floor..." - speaking of FLASHDANCE...)
-Unleash my dorkiness - (like that needs any work! I don't know if you know this....but I'm kind of a big deal!)
-That I would definitely be cute if I were truly pregnant! (hence, "Yoga For Moms---sometimes I pretend that I am pregnant and attend Yoga for Moms----it makes me feel pleasantly plump in a GOOD way!)
-That I need to wet my pants more often? (No, I'm sure there was a deeper message in there somewhere...like farts aren't THAT funny, or DON'T touch connected batteries because a STUDENT pressures you to, or maybe just simply---cross your legs weirdo!)
-And just like Brick Loves the Lamp ---- I Love the LAUGH!
Peace, Love and The Farting Preacher! (Click the link!)
the batteries! oh the batteries!
somewhere deep inside i knew what the outcome would be, but i just couldn't believe it.. well until it happened.
i am pretty sure a large audience would love nothing more than to see you skipping as fast as humanly possible.
or maybe that gem should be saved for the Conan debut?
I don't know how to put this.... but you're kind of a big deal...people know you.... You have many leather bound books and your apartment smells of rich mahogeney.
I want to be on you?
Hey way to go - this sounds exciting - find a way to be yourself and
tell a funny story that has an emotional hook for you + start right away
writing "how I extended my deadline" jokes - even the all time greats took
more than a year to get there. Break a leg! TC
You know you shoulda done this a lifetime ago.
Let's try that again...
You know you shoulda done this a lifetime ago. Let me know when the first show is, I'm in.
I'd tell ya to knock'em dead, but you already know you will...
Hi Beautiful..
YES!!! From across the ocean, a big smile..I think I missed most clues but know you are funny.. So go for it women, you can do it!
Love P
I know!
Your blog site is very interesting. Like a swim in a deep blue ocean of thought and humour.... sometimes I am gasping for air and hoping to be rescued and sometimes I am a fish and breathing it all in.
By the way, do you have an editor lined up for your doco? As your british cousin with extensive experience in cutting reality based docos I feel I would be prefect for it!!!
Love you. And miss you.
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