So my crew tells me it will be good footage for the film if I flop...(I LOVE THEM!) I am in a state of panic...what if I get in? It IS a lottery, and I have infamous luck with lotteries...
A major suggestion has been brought to the table since our last "cruelly comedic" meeting:
Why Conan O'Brien? Like, why not say, Ellen DeGeneres...or...???---and the list goes on...
Right--- so we decided that maybe being SO specific was a bit of a flawed plan of action ---
(kind of whore-ish though...)
So basically we are calling out to a televised 5-minute live...
365 to a Five Minute Live --- starring Tara Duffy ( ho ho ho! --- and that is not a subliminal message----it's a laugh-track! )
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS??? ( not about the whore thing...about the Conan thing---just to clarify...)
Peace, Love and Amateur - ity!
I think switching to a five live is a great idea.
Still ambitious, but much more attainable.
Still hard, and fun. Just the way you like it.
Looking forward to see how this unfolds...
I agree. Broadening your horizons could have bigger results... like YOU have to... but at least you're opening up your options a wee bit. You could do a "carrasol of
5-minute live(s)". How many shows could you be on in one day. Just a thought. I'll shut up now.
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