Friday, November 23, 2007


I love the "ness" words like: Yum-ness, Good-ness, Yes-ness...

But tired-ness is what I feel.

I can hardly make the drive home without falling asleep at the wheel-----and remember people I am driving home at 3:30pm!


And then upon arrival home-----I can barely make it past 6ish----and I am making my way to the bedroom...(I'll just watch a little bit of TV...) and then the phone rings and I startle awake and think---'for gosh sakes ----who is calling at this gosh-forsaken time?'---and then I notice the clock and it's 7:15pm----


Yes, I am falling asleep before 7ish.

Is this behaviour:

normal-ness? average-ness? common-ness? regular-ness? habitual-ness? routine-ness? standard-ness? typical-ness? usual-ness? accustomed-ness? ordinary-ness? methodical-ness?


sick-ness? delicate-ness? down-ness? dragging-ness? feeble-ness? ill-ness? run-down-ness? unsound-ness? unwell-ness? weak-ness? depressed-ness?

Peace, Love and Sweet Slumber!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before 7-ish, Tara darling, that is a wee bit early don't you think? :) Know what I think you need? I think you need some TV shows to be addicted too, then you won't LET yourself fall asleep before they are over. I could give you a list of the ones I stay up for if you'd like :)....

Anyway, if it is sick-ness that is putting you to sleep I hope that that clears up really soon!!! Miss you this weekend! Hope everything gets less crazy for you real soon!