Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So, last week I was driving to work in this ridiculous storm, I’m talking, monsoon rains, crazy winds---you know when you’re carrying your umbrella and it’s so windy that your umbrella actually folds itself inside out and you’re like---great, good thing I have this…yeah, well it was that kind of day…where I’m practically making out with my steering wheel because I can’t see through the windshield ---and I come up to this stoplight where I actually see this dude riding his bicycle, holding his umbrella…and I’m like WOW, that’s commitment…we get it, you’re environmentally friendly!

I mean, how can I not hit him right? But I don’t have time to get into an accident---So I roll down my window and toss him a token---and I’m like "Dude, today might be a day for public transit…no one’s gonna judge you! Just sayin'!"

Peace, Love, and it's not easy being GREEN!

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