Friday, February 2, 2007

Happy Imbolc!

"In the Northern Hemisphere, Imbolc symbolizes the season when Mother Earth cleanses the debris that is cluttering Her delicate topsoil. Glaciers begin to melt, rivers swell and rains wash away that which is no longer useful. She prepares herself to embrace this year's new growth through elemental cleansing."

Imbolc teaches us how to ready ourselves for our new growth through symbolic cleansing.

I washed my hair.
I lathered.
I rinsed.
I repeated. (duh!)
I cleaned out my closet - literally and metaphorically.
I lit a bees wax candle.
I FINALLY pulled out a gorgeous T-cup set that was given to me as a house-warming gift (at my last place) from someone that means a great deal to me. Sub-consciously I suppose, I didn't drink from them because of the "upset" in my heart.
I drank beautiful loose tea that was hand-selected by the gardener in my "new"-found T-cup.
I am in the midst of creating a sound-track for my emerging self (will share later!).
I am studying the Light after composing a lengthy essay of Dark.
I am consciously intending to breakthrough.
I am focusing intent and will on this creative project!

I feel embraced by my life.
My Tribe.
My Sisters & Brothers.

Peace, Love and Bill Murray in GROUNDHOG DAY!


Unknown said...

Your blog is my favourite new place.

Last night was full moon in Leo. I went to the dome with loved ones and played them my dome song, the one that manifested the dome into reality in the first place, and we drank magical elixirs and made a jungle orchestra out of ourselves. The moon was so bright that even at the strike of midnight, we could still see the blue of the sky.

I amire your conscious pushing into the light. I also want to read your dark essay.

Alice Said said...

Happy change and cleansing to you, my love!

And only 363 days to Conan O'Brien!

Can't wait to have the meeting of the comedic geniuses tonight....if I do say so myself. ;)

Anonymous said...

A soundtrack for your new emerging self? Hook me up woman!

Loooove You!

Erin said...

Ahh Bill Murray.
I love that man.
Especially in The Life Aquatic.
It just so happens that movie features two more of my unrequited loves.
1) Mr.Jeff Goldblum. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN SO HARD. ugh. brings out the 12 year old girl in me (I probably shouldn't have eaten that 12 year old girl in the first place... but I was real real hungry... but that's another story)
2) Matthew Gray Gubler. Only featured with the small role as Intern #1 but this guy is going to be huge some day. Amazingly talented film maker/actor/artist/model/magician. there is nothing he can't do. Seen now on the CBS show Criminal Minds (my favourite. you should check it out)

Cruelly Comedic said...

ahhh POOP! The 12 year old had it coming!

You make me laugh---so hard ---seriously, it brings out the 12 year old in me....errr something!

Cruelly Comedic said...

ahhh POOP! The 12 year old had it coming!

You make me laugh---so hard ---seriously, it brings out the 12 year old in me....errr something!