I would like to document the first official 'peeing of the pants' in terms of this project...YEP, I did! I also made Scott cry with laughter --- (it's the physical comedian in me--- you kids were SO right-- that's my hit...). We definitely flirted with censorship/lessness, but Jenn kept us in line...sort of...
Tonight marked our first comedic mind-meld. It was super-FUN! We laughed a lot...and we established some serious time lines, a bit of the 'bit', and some future creative goals. (SJ, we totally want to use your expertise! Thank you so much for the offer!)
Gosh, I feel cleansed and anew--- well....other than my pants...
I spent the day skiing in God's Country. The wilderness called out to me yesterday and I welcomed the invitation with a loose smile and wide open arms! A long and winding road interjected with a few strategic swirls found us sleeping in a loverly farm house that was built in 1867.
("Ahem ----I know something ELSE that happened in 1867", thanks to that one section of Canadian History that I taught last year.....ahhhh History....good times!---I must have missed that one in my "I love" blog...)
Anywhosers, as we were working our way through the brush, I was being initiated into the tree-lovers association; Norway Spruce, Red Fern, Hop Hornbeam (my personal favourite - go ahead and say it, it's FUN!), Soft Beech (that's a FUN one to say too!), Basswood, Green Ash, White Ash ----I was beginning to feel like a DUMB-ASH!!! But at one point we passed through a tunnel of spruce trees that weren't quite tall enough to block the light entirely. A blanket of sparkle in nature's majestic cathedral.
I stopped for a moment and tilted my head up into the light...
(thank you. I feel so blessed. thank you.)
Peace, Love and Confederation Baby! (told you I knew...)
Dearest Tara,
Your well-roundedness type quality never ceases to amaze me! You rock that history woman!!! ROCK IT!
Looove to you!
Oh Tara.
How far you have come with your history knowledge.
Remember that time last year when Matty Baker and I convinced you that the “A” in John A MacDonald stood for Abraham, and his nickname was Honest Abe? And you were fully prepared to share this new tidbit of knowledge with your class the next day?
Just look at you now!
Seriously E-RON --- you make me laugh! Big Laughs. I LOVE LAUGH!!!
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