Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mine All Mine...


yep--- this is my past...

(To say that the "mullet" is a hairstyle barely even scratches the surface of the issue. The mullet is a way of life --- a state of mind...physically, it is characterized by short hair on the top, front, and sides of the head, followed by a long drape of hair on the back... )

Why would any human being willingly decide, of their own freewill, to wear the "mullet"?

I don't have the answer to this folks...all that I DO know is that in my high school years...this was me:

"Oh my gosh, he is so hot!!! (squeal) He is such a hunk!!! (hold my breath) He has short hair on top and long at the back....(sigh - sigh - sigh ---from all of my friends...) Oh my gosh...just wait till you meet him! HE is SOOOOOOO gorgeous! (giggle giggle giggle)"

Peace, Love and Heck Yes, I ran my fingers through every single one of these guy's hair!
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Erin said...

you were totally all about the business in the front and the party in the back.
c to the lassy.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i don't even know how to respond to this----

do you still have any of their numbers?.... I could use a little party in the back.....

i wanna run my hands through their hair .... especially the buff hottie in the middle.......

Adria said...

Woooowwwweeeee! Memories....
I think you might be missing a few (mullets) here?

Adria said...

no mullet reference just funny

Cruelly Comedic said...

E-ron and Chrissy you are my number ones!!!!!

Adria I miss you so freaking much!
Love love and love

Anonymous said...

Chrissy you can have the one in the middle if I can have the one to his left... whooo wee!

I had a "boyfriend" with a rat tail in grade 2... does that count for anything?