Friday, February 9, 2007

More Geekdom - 2 for 1- Deal!

Picture books are good for a reason! Everyone likes to look at pictures. When I visit various myspace pages with slide-shows, I tend to get pretty loopy looking. I stare at the computer with this goofy smile on my face as I watch kids I know, slightly grown up, smiling and being their beautiful energetic selves. I love it! Pictures also have the ability to "pimp up" a story!

So this is my next buy a scanner (because getting a digital camera would just kill all the suspense of waiting for your pictures to develop and it would also encourage the 'obsessive gal' in me - as I would be endlessly re-taking pictures until I found perfection --- which we all KNOW doesn't EXIST....right?)

And secondly, I must learn how to add the pictures to the blogspot...

Remedial Computers 101
Professor: Dr. Duffy
Number of Students - 1
Class List: Tara Duffy

Oh, it's gonna be SWEET! Anyone wanna take it with me? I heard that the professor is techno-moronic (I don't know what that exactly means, but it sounds SAVVY!) I think there might be a couple of spots left, but you'd better hurry--- cause I heard---it's fillin' up FAST!

Peace, Love and Pimpin' up my Blog!


greengardener said...

hey geekgirl:
get digital camera because your adoring fans WANT you to be MORE OCD! (not less) OCD, more! OCD, more!

Anonymous said...

haha I will totally take the class with you!!! haha We are TOTALLY on the same techno level... Except I have both a digital camera and a scanner... now working them is another question.