Monday, February 5, 2007

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

Part of my assignment for the next couple of weeks until our next meeting is to watch as much stand up comedy as possible. Today I re-visited my favourites. Dane Cook made me laugh the Duffy laugh in a big bad way!!!!

Please post me a comment with your favourite comedian and/or a link that I can watch.

And just so you know ---I LIVE for your comments!

Peace, Love and Shut the FFFFFFFront Door!


Erin said...

My two favourite comedians are actually both Canadian.
The first is the awkwardly hilarious and hilariously awkward Levi MacDougall. He used to be on Popcultured with Elvira Kurt.

The second is Fraser Young. Oh so funny and a flipping nice dude. I talk to him online sometimes and met him in November when I worked the Sketch Comedy Festival where he was performing and we had a nice little chat and a good giggle.
He can be seen occasionally on Much Music on Video on Trial.


SJ said...

Well who could over look my favourite comic, Eddie Izzard
He is quite surreal and hilarious...
Another of my favourites is Victoria Wood. I couldn't find any video links of her but here are a couple of quotes:

Victoria: I looked up the symptoms of pregnancy ... moody, irritable, big bosoms ... I've obviously been pregnant for thirty-six years.


I know I've got a degree. Why does that mean I have to spend my life with intellectuals? I've got a lifesaving certificate but I don't spend my evenings diving for a rubber brick with my pyjamas on.

Unknown said...