Sunday, February 18, 2007

We All Have Our Moments...

There is no explanation...sometimes you just need to free yourself from the bondage of your hair...

Peace, Love, and Mr. Clean!
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Unknown said...

Do you still have those earrings... because if you do --- I HAVE to borrow them--- they would go perfect with this top I have....

I knew that you and Britney had a lot in common from the pigtails and school girl uniform in "Hit me Baby One more Time.." to the red pleather jumpsuit in "oops I did it again".... I thought the next step was going to be getting a trasher boyfriend with a name like T-Mac or something---- but this brings things to a whole new level....

Just promise me one thing--- you aren't going to copy her--- well at least until you find those earrings....

Love you!

Shea said...

Britney is such a copier! And she thought a little time was all that was needed for us to not make the connections...she's so not original.
And another thing, if you can't find those earrings for Chrissy, Brit probably stole those too!
Why didn't she just ask?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh ever since you told me they shaving your head story I have been DYING to see a picture!!!! YEAH SCANNER!!!!!

And I agree... you should probably get those earrings back from Brit...

Erin said...

Tara you always were the trend setter.
I'm pretty positive Brit has signed herself out of interviews and concerts because of butt sweat too..

Adria said...

Hey, what a minute! I thought I started that trend along with my sister... and aren't those MY earrings?!?